The formation of an Historical Committee was approved by the Senate in December 1992 with a mandate to write and produce a book covering the history of the 75th (Mississauga) Battalion CEF and its successor The Toronto Scottish Regiment - the first 75 years 1915 to 1990. The deadline to complete the book has been extended and it is now anticipated that the first draft of a completed manuscript will be available in 2008, with the history covering the first 90 years 1915 to 2005. Originally asked to author the history in 1992, Major The Reverend Donald McKillican CD handed over reference material he had gathered as well as the portion of the manuscript he had completed to Pipe-Sergeant Tim Stewart, in January 2001. In 1998 at the Historical Committee's request, Major McKillican updated the short history of the Regiment which is in the form of a booklet that is given to all new recruits upon joining the Regiment. The 1998 edition was Iris third update. In 2003 the Historical Committee produced a book entitled 'Proud to be Your Colonel-in-Chief, chronicling in correspondence and photographs the sixty-five year period Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother was our Colonel-in-Chief.

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Toronto Scottish Regiment Pipes and Drums
Captain Bellenden Hutcheson VC Armoury,
66 Birmingham Street,
Toronto M8V 2B8, Canada

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